It might be your child’s wedding or a class reunion, or perhaps you’re noticing that all your friends have really bright teeth. Whatever the reason, the desire for a brighter smile is an important part of looking your best. Teeth whitening options are one of the most common questions that patients seem to ask about […]
Understanding Dental X-Rays Benefits of Dental X-Rays Dental X-rays help us detect cavities, infections, gum disease, cysts, tumors and developmental abnormalities much sooner than waiting for these problems to get large or advanced enough to become evident to the naked eye; or painful enough to become uncomfortable and noticeable to the patient. Dentistry has led […]
A Dental Veneer is a thin covering that is placed over the front (visible) part of the teeth to help with the following range of issues: To lighten front teeth which can’t be lightened any further with bleaching; To correct some cases of chipped or worn teeth; To fill in uneven spaces or gaps between […]
It is common to see kids and teens with braces and orthodontics in our country. There happens to be a lot of good reasons for adults to consider orthodontics for themselves as well. Aside from the obvious benefit of a beautiful smile with straight teeth, adults should consider orthodontics for themselves for the following reasons: […]