Dr. Natalie Buckley, DMD


Dr. Natalie Buckley first discovered her interest in the field of dentistry in high school while on a mission trip transporting dental supplies to an impoverished community in Peru.  Once she began shadowing her childhood dentist and saw how the profession combined healthcare, science, and art, she was hooked. So after high school in North Dakota she headed for the mountains and got her bachelor’s degree at the University of Montana, graduating magna cum laude, and then on to Oregon Health Sciences University for dental school, graduating in 2011.

As true for many of us, Central Oregon’s community, climate, and access to outdoor amenities drew Dr. Buckley to Bend. She truly loves being a dentist allowing her to help people achieve better dental function and happier smiles. The personal connections and patient relationships that are built over the years are the icing on the cake.

Dr. Buckley believes strongly in rigorous continuing education to stay up to date on the latest technologies and dental materials as well as to expand her skillset to be the best dentist she can be.

Out of the office, Dr. Buckley enjoys our seasons with her family through biking, skiing, hiking, and multi-day whitewater rafting trips along with painting and jewelry-making to keep her right brain satisfied.